Whose Rights? Who is Right?

The U.S. Department of Education has proposed a rule that prohibits the outright ban of transgender students in the sports of their gender identity. The rule “provides flexibility for schools to achieve important educational objectives through their athletic program. …(and will) allow schools flexibility to develop team eligibility criteria…(although) these …

The Garden

Ten years ago, I volunteered to create a small garden in one of our neighborhood’s public parks. In hindsight, I made one bad assumption and one strategic mistake. Both seem like cautionary tales when I think about our current politics and governance. The garden was to be carved out of …


“One of the biggest mistakes it to judge policies and programs by their intentions instead of their results.” –Milton Friedman A perfect case study is the Illinois law that legalized recreational cannabis on January 1, 2020. The 610-page law spells out details about regulation, taxation, authority and governance, public health …


On the day before my twentieth birthday, in 1980, I walked through Checkpoint Charlie into East Berlin. My childhood friend and I were on a month long trip through Europe. On the day we arrived in West Berlin from Copenhagen, the sun shone on us for the first time in …

Effecting Change

A dozen towns are strung like worry beads along the Lake Michigan shoreline from Milwaukee to Chicago. Worry has been particularly palpable in three of those towns—Kenosha, Waukegan, and Evanston—this year.  Violence erupted in Kenosha in August after police shot Jacob Blake during an arrest. Peaceful marchers in Waukegan have …


After giving it four months, I finally unsubscribed to the daily emails from a particular news website. In early March I was hungry for news and commentary. There was a lot going on. The Cubs, with new manager David Ross, were off to a lackluster start in spring training. The …

Difficult Parables

We had endured weeks of stay-at-home restrictions. Our elected officials consulted medical experts while appraising their political fortunes, before imposing numerous regulations and stipulations on our daily lives. We were admonished to isolate ourselves to the greatest extent possible, for our own health, but also for the good of everyone …

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