
The lyrics captured my imagination the first time I heard the song. 1 “Who knocks tonight so late?” the weary porter said. Three kings stood at the gate, each with a crown on head.   The serving man bowed down, the inn was full, he knew. Said he, “In all …


Two things happened on the same weekend this spring. Our lake thawed and our grandson was baptized. In the beginning…darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. Every February when the boys were growing up—when winter had …


Our oldest son texted us: “He is born!” After 30 hours of labor, our first grandchild had entered the world. “Glory to God in the highest!” We hurried into Chicago to hold him as soon as we could. His uncles and aunts traveled from Texas and Minnesota to meet him. …

Difficult Parables

We had endured weeks of stay-at-home restrictions. Our elected officials consulted medical experts while appraising their political fortunes, before imposing numerous regulations and stipulations on our daily lives. We were admonished to isolate ourselves to the greatest extent possible, for our own health, but also for the good of everyone …

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