
To amuse myself, I counted the ornaments as I took them off the Christmas tree on New Year’s Day. One hundred sixty-five. Five weeks earlier, I had carefully hung the same one hundred sixty-five. Having quantified a vaguely uneasy sense of hours lost to unwrapping tissue, climbing up and down …


My mother passed away this spring at the age of 86. She had lived her life exactly as she wanted, with few, if any regrets. It was hard to begrudge her departure. Her world was shrinking due to failing eyesight, nerve pain, and cancer. But it wasn’t shrinking only in …


On the day before my twentieth birthday, in 1980, I walked through Checkpoint Charlie into East Berlin. My childhood friend and I were on a month long trip through Europe. On the day we arrived in West Berlin from Copenhagen, the sun shone on us for the first time in …


Here in Illinois we’re nine weeks into the COVID-19 mandated shutdown, and by all objective measures, I am doing well. I’ve had disappointments and frustrations. I’ve felt restless and bored. I miss many features of my pre-virus life. But I am not suffering—not even close. I’ve been buffered from the …

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